Our team of professional eBook writers will assist you in becoming a best-seller author. If you’re looking for a professional eBook writer for your book, we’re here to help.
When you complete an order placement with us i.e. you make the payment, then you are considered as you have read, understood and agreed to terms and conditions listed on this page. These terms are a legal contract between the client and Authors Eclipse. By agreeing to order and use the services from Authors Eclipse you are deemed to be bound by the terms which as stated as follows.
We guarantee you plagiarism free content. To ensure that content is original we provide you with a Copy scape report. (Note: Any text contained in images, videos or other media, which search engines can’t read will not be scanned by Copy scape.) You may go for more comprehensive and deeper plagiarism checks than Copy scape by yourself because we do not cover such services in our standard prices. You can be sure of the work you get from Authors Eclipse in terms of its originality.
Every single order you place and pay for becomes your property when submitted to you. We do not ask you for acknowledgements or require you by any means to mention us or our services for the work. With every complete order, you’ll get the complete ownership of the content. You will have the authority to publish the content under your name and/or will be able to utilize the content the way you desire.
We believe in abiding by the rules and maintaining our credibility for the long term both with the clients and in the market. We do not own the copyright of images; hence we do not use copyright images by ourselves. We will simply provide you a link of recommended images so you can copy and paste them by yourself. Besides, these links can help you have an idea of the images that may suit the content. Otherwise, you may use royalty free images without any worry. However, for copyright images, you may be required to pay the owner.
The users are advised to take into consideration this clause carefully. We Authors Eclipse, with this declare that under any circumstances we shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss claimed by our customer to have resulted from the use of our website or services/products sold through our website. This disclaimer also applies to any viruses that may allegedly be obtained by using our website/products and may have caused any type of material or reputational loss. We shall, in no event, be liable for any liability or loss that may result from the inability or ability of the user of our website/products.
This privacy policy is subject to change; hence, you are required to visit our policy page from time to time to see if there is an update. The policy changes are not subject to any prior notice and time frame.
The evaluation committee would evaluate the content against your order specifications. They will take an impartial decision based upon facts and evidences. In case there is any lacking or shortcoming in the content you will get all your money back. Authors Eclipse will not refund any amount on change of mind before or after the project has started. Please read and understand the following terms carefully to avoid any misunderstanding of the terms regarding Authors Eclipse’s refund policy.
If you still have any confusion regarding the refund policy you can contact our customer services representative and discuss the policy. We advise you to be sure about the refund terms and conditions if you have any confusion in this regard.With Authors Eclipse you may avail the option of full refund. We value our clients and try all possible ways to assist them.
The evaluation committee would evaluate the content against your order specifications. They will take an impartial decision based upon facts and evidences. In case there is any lacking or shortcoming in the content you will get all your money back. Authors Eclipse will not refund any amount on change of mind before or after the project has started.
We offer professional and customized writing, editing, and proofreading services to our clients at an affordable cost. We also help our clients promote their work on different media and channels, utilizing cutting-edge tools and expertise. Authors Eclipse is a one-stop shop for all your content solutions.